Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lentil Soup

I bought lentil soup from the school cafeteria today, and brought it back to my office to eat. However, when I stirred my soup around, I found white crescent shaped things in the soup! There were so many. Worried that they were worms, I examined them. The first time, I couldn't be sure-- they were not all uniform, and I couldn't make out any segmentation-- seeming to say that they were not worms. However, for one or two of the white things I examined, I found a slight black spot near the top of the crescent. A head?!

Frantic, I googled "lentil soup white worm" and came up with a couple comments on blog posts reporting the same problem. Relieved that I was not alone in this, I read on. It seems that there is a small controversy among readers about whether these are indeed worms or if they're just sprouts.

The entries I looked at:
Red Lentil Soup Recipe at Dove's Eye View
Living the Life: Lentil Soup

Most readers seemed to think they were sprouts. Only one wrote a strongly worded comment saying it could possibly be worms, but she detailed her findings as "segmented crescents"-- which was not my case.

Upon further examination, some of these white crescents were attached-- seemed a part of-- a piece of lentil skin. This was quite often the case. Other crescents seemed to have a fibrous ending. I did not find any white crescents with segments. So, I have come to the conclusion that these are indeed lentil sprouts, and I am now eating my lentil soup in decided peace.

I intend to make lentil soup later this season and add kale from my garden for extra nutrition :)

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